“O” is a captivating water-themed show presented by Cirque du Soleil at the Bellagio Hotel and Casino, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Debuting in 1998 it has solidified its place as one of the iconic Cirque du Soleil shows performances in the city. With an ensemble of over 80 acrobats synchronized swimmers and divers showcasing awe-inspiring feats and graceful choreography both in and above a 1.5 million-gallon water pool “O” offers a truly mesmerizing experience. The intricate stage design elevates the show with its level platform that creates varying depths within the pool complemented by elaborate costumes and props.
Driven by the themes of infinity and the circle of life “O” delves into emotions like love, loss, and human connections through its spellbinding acts. Its stunning effects, breathtaking aerial displays, and innovative incorporation of water, as an element set it apart.
For those seeking a blend of acrobatics, theatrical performance and visual splendor while in Las Vegas “O” stands out as a must see attraction.